How do I find a copywriter for my business? 

how to find a copywriter

Hi! Nice to see you here. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to know that if you have made it to this post, you have probably to find a copywriter for your business.   Awesome. Good for you—letting your business work for you rather than working for your business is a great step towards freedom.  But just […]

Are You Ready to Hire a Copywriter?

ready to hire a copywriter

8 Ways to Know It’s Time Thinking about hiring a copywriter but aren’t sure if it is the right time?  You’re in the right spot.   Here are 8 of the most common reasons people come to me wanting to hire a copywriter.  8 ways to know you are ready to hire a copywriter 1- You don’t […]

What is Copywriting?

what is copywriting

And how one can save you tons of time and money.  When I tell people (especially non-business owners) I now run a copywriting agency, the reaction is usually one of feigned excitement and then a confused, “What is copywriting?”  At least 50% of the time, the person I am speaking to thinks that I am […]

5 Reasons Why Blogging Is Important For Your Business

why blogging is important

Stop Ignoring Your Blog and Start Harnassing Its Potential I have been an entrepreneur for close to 19 years now and I can tell you with certainty that, for almost all of it, all I have heard is that blogging is important for your business.  However, until I dove deep into copywriting, I really didn’t […]

Top 10 Tips For Blogging

tips for blogging

A Professional Bloggers Best Advice Let’s talk tips for blogging. So you have a blog – or want to start a blog?  Great.  Getting started is always the first step.  Here’s the thing though. Blogging is all great and well but don’t let it be a total waste of your time. If you don’t follow […]

3 Important Differences Between Copywriting and Content Writing

learn what the difference between copywriting and content writing is

And why any writer you hire should be able to do both A lot gets thrown around about copywriting, content writing, and even copy editing (more on that HERE). If you aren’t a marketer or writing guru, this lingo probably makes you want to stick your fingers in your ears and yell “Lalala, I can’t […]

Are You Ignoring the Health of your Business’ SEO? 

why seo is important

5 Reasons Why SEO Is Important to Your Business I have a confession.  I was in business for at least 15 years before I really gave SEO much thought.  I knew it was important but I was doing “okay” without it…Okay meaning I was surviving but wasn’t really growing in the direction that I wanted.  […]