How do I find a copywriter for my business? 

Hi! Nice to see you here. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to know that if you have made it to this post, you have probably to find a copywriter for your business.  

how to find a copywriter

Awesome. Good for you—letting your business work for you rather than working for your business is a great step towards freedom. 

But just how do you find the perfect copywriter for you and your business? It may feel like there are too many options or it may feel like you have no idea where to start looking. 

And I would like to help you find your perfect copywriter. Obviously, I am a copywriter and hope that the person you choose to hire is me – but honestly, more than that, I want you to find the writer that works best for you and your budget. 

When do I need a copywriter?

First off, just know that copywriting isn’t cheap and you really don’t want it to be. Your copy is the foundation of your brand and your message – and you want it to be good. And good copy isn’t cheap. 

So, unless you have a really good startup budget, most people hire a copywriter after they have been in business for a while, waiting until they have some income coming in, a good grasp on who they are as a brand, and are ready to grow their business. If you hire a copywriter too early in your career, there is a chance you will have to redo everything early than you would like or spend money that won’t actually help you if aren’t quite ready for a writer. 

You can see this post HERE for more information on what type of work a copywriter can help you with but generally, anything that involves the written word is fair game for a copywriter. Think sales pages, blogs, product launches, email funnels, weekly newsletters, and website copy. 

Where do I find a copywriter? 

Now, on to the good stuff. 

How do you find a copywriter for your business? 

There is no absolute way to find one but here are some ways to start searching for your perfect person. 

Get Referrals

Ask colleagues in your industry, your business coach, an online support group, or your website designer – you stand a really good chance to find a name or 20 if you ask around for personal recommendations. 

Put Out An Ad

Using platforms like Indeed or even Facebook groups devoted to copy jobs (like the Cult of Copy Job Board) is a great place to find some professionals. Be warned, if you post for job services, you will be weeding through a ton of applicants and comments…and most of them will not be who you want. BUT, I have always had luck finding a least 2 or 3 qualified people to chat with when posting to online job boards. 

Google Search

Sometimes a Google search is all you will need to find your dream copywriter. 

Try searching the following terms and see what pops up: 

your industry + copywriter

your industry + content writer

your industry type (ie: creative business) + copywriter

You will most likely have a lot of luck with simple searches like this.

What to Look For In A Copywriter

So once you have a few leads for copywriting, you need to start narrowing it down. 

Before jumping on a call with 15 copywriters (which is a huge waste of time for everyone), take a close look at everyone’s websites and ask yourself a few questions. 

How does their website look? 

Is it professional, easy to follow, and updated?  And, MOST importantly, is their copy good?  

Do you relate to the content they put out? 

Does it make sense to you? Do you relate to it? If you are totally against social media and they think that social media is the only way to market, they probably aren’t the writer for you. 

Do you like their bio? 

I feel like the About Page is one of the first and most important pages on anyone’s website. It is almost always the first place people click and is an instant way to feel a connection with people. Feeling some sort of connection with the person you are thinking about hiring is super important. 

Good testimonials 

Do they have testimonials on their website?  For various reasons, some copywriters don’t necessarily link projects on their website but everyone should have testimonials and referrals. 

But it is always important to read testimonials to get a better idea of how they work and what their strong 

Questions to ask them

After you have narrowed the options down, it’s time to start talking to people in person. 

Once you get them on the phone, make sure you have some questions lined up to ask them. 

Some good questions to ask: 

What is the framework of the project and how long do you expect it to take? 

What happens if I request a change?  

How do you learn my voice? 

What is the payment policy? 

How far out are you booking projects? 

Find a Copywriter Today

So there you have my recommendations for how to go about finding the perfect copywriter for your current needs. My one last piece of advice would be to make sure you book in advance. Copywriters are notorious for booking up months in advance.

Of course, I would love to chat with you if you feel like we would be a good fit but, more than that, I hope you find someone who fits you perfectly.

how to find a copywriter

Hi! I’m Megan and it has come to my attention that you really need help with your copy.

Well, aren’t you glad you found me?

Let’s get to work. I offer 3-4 VIP days monthly and am available for more extensive projects as well.

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