5 Reasons Why SEO Is Important to Your Business

I have a confession.
I was in business for at least 15 years before I really gave SEO much thought.
I knew it was important but I was doing “okay” without it…Okay meaning I was surviving but wasn’t really growing in the direction that I wanted.
It just felt like SEO wasn’t worth the effort. And I told myself that I would never be able to get those first-page rankings since there was already so much conversation.
Let me be the first to tell you – I was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Overlooking the power of SEO is one of the biggest mistakes that I see business owners make.
Don’t get me wrong – social media is great and referrals are gold but only focusing on these is really limiting the potential growth of your business. Not to mention, it is risky. What happens when Instagram changes its algorithm (oh wait… that already happened)? Or when your favorite wedding planner moves across the country? Focusing on one or two marketing streams is limiting.
This is why SEO is SO important. A strong SEO presence will be there for you through it all—through social media changes, industry changes, and even when your own business pivots or changes.
It is my experience that most businesses, especially small businesses, do not invest their time and energy (and money) into SEO. And this is such a waste.

SEO is SO important to your business and I am going to give you 5 reasons why:
Organic Traffic
This is probably the top reason to really devote time to your SEO health.
Your SEO-focused content is what drives people to your site from Google searches. This is called organic traffic. It doesn’t come from a cold email, a referral, or a social media post.
These leads come directly from Google because someone was asking a question and YOU had the answer that Google thought was best.
It’s pretty genius.
And better yet – this traffic is coming from people who were asking questions or searching for a product directly related to what you offer. It doesn’t get much more ideal than that.
This leads us to the second reason:
You Get Higher Quality Traffic and Leads
If you are focusing your energy on answering questions that people are asking on Google, it is only natural that you are attracting your ideal audience to your site.
Like this post you are reading. How did you find it?
You could have found it through Pinterest or a social media link. True. Or maybe you came to my site for one reason or another and saw the blog linked. It’s possible.
It’s also very possible that you found this blog through a Google search… cause I may just now be writing it but I know it is going to rank high in search results.
And how does this help me?
Well, chances are good that you own a business and are looking to learn more about SEO or writing… which is what brought you to my site. You may be looking for a copywriter or you may not be looking for one. But, down the road, when you ARE looking for a copywriter, maybe you will remember my name. Or maybe you will decide, after reading all of my brilliant posts that you may just need to hire a copywriter after all….
See how it works?
Get Seen
Not only can you specifically target questions and people with your SEO tactics BUT the more keywords you rank for, the more you show up in searches. So basically, once Google starts seeing you as an authority, it will be easier and easier to rank.
And the more you rank, the more you get seen…. And the more people who book you or buy from you.
Builds Authority
Did you know that most people—and, by most, I mean 99% of people—never get to the second page of search results?
That means, there should be no popping of champagne because you hit page 2. This basically means nothing.
Page 1 is where it is at.
And if you can get to page 1, people will automatically think that you are an authority. Isn’t that crazy? Just by showing up on the first page, you are building credibility and trust with your audience.
Save the Moolah
You can quite literally stop spending ANY money on paid advertising by really learning how to harness your SEO potential.
I mean, you always have the option to do paid advertising but SEO, in general, is free.
I started a business in a new location a few years ago and went from unknown to 1st page in 6 months through SEO. I didn’t spend a dime on advertising.
Think of how much money you could be spending every month by learning SEO.
Now Get Starting Making SEO a Priority in Your Business
That’s right – get moving.
Start making SEO a priority in your business and see where it takes you. SEO takes about 6-12 months to really show progress so be patient and focus on the long game, not the
And if you want to learn more, download my free SEO resource or check out this blog post on the biggest SEO mistakes businesses make. (All coming soon!)

Hi! I’m Megan and it has come to my attention that you really need help with your copy.
Well, aren’t you glad you found me?
Let’s get to work. I offer 3-4 VIP days monthly and am available for more extensive projects as well.