Stop Ignoring Your Blog and Start Harnassing Its Potential

I have been an entrepreneur for close to 19 years now and I can tell you with certainty that, for almost all of it, all I have heard is that blogging is important for your business.
However, until I dove deep into copywriting, I really didn’t understand why blogging was so fundamental to the growth of businesses. If you had asked, I would have said it was important to show your audience that you are an active business.
This isn’t wrong, but it certainly isn’t a conclusive answer to show why blogging is so important. And it definitely isn’t enough of a reason to motivate you to focus more on your blog.
So let’s look at 6 real reasons why blogging is so important for your business in hopes that this will motivate you to brush the dust off the blog and start revitalizing this long-abandoned part of your website.
5 Reasons Why Blogging Is Important For Your Business
(in no particular order of importance)
1 – Show Your Audience You Are Active
Ok, yes, blogs are a good way to show your audience you are active–it just isn’t the only purpose of blogging.
Look at it from a customer’s viewpoint. You are searching for a wedding photographer and find someone’s work. The website is great but when you go to their blog to check out their recent work, you are confused to notice that it hasn’t been updated in 3 years.
From a customer’s viewpoint, how does that look? Most likely they are going to think you aren’t working anymore or you can’t keep up with the work… neither of which looks great—am I right?
Having a consistent and updated blog makes you look like you are relevant and in-demand.
One bypass to this, which I recommend to a lot of my blogging clients is to remove the dates on your posted blogs (unless you are ALWAYS really good at consistent blogging). There are still plenty of other reasons to blog (see below) but if you lapse in posting, it doesn’t look quite so neglectful.
2 – Blogging Is Important For Your Search Engine Rankings
There is no particular order to the importance to these points but if I had to pick one top reason, SEO would be the main point of importance.
You can read more about SEO and blogging importance HERE but basically, Google loves blogs.
When you use your blog in a strategic and purposeful way (again see the blog linked above), you help show Google:
1 – What your site is about
2 – What your area of expertise is about
3 – Who your target audience is
The more Google understands your message and the more consistent you are with sharing that message, the higher you will rank.
SEO is a whole other blog post (or 8) all on its own but just know for now that blogs are the quickest way into Google’s good graces and make a front-page appearance in the search rankings.
And remember—the more your blog posts make appearances on the first page or two, the more people will find your website and the larger your audience will grow. It’s a win/win,

3 – Establish Yourself As an Authority
By providing helpful and relevant content on your blog, you are educating your audience and establishing yourself as an authority.
Some entrepreneurs shy away from sharing too much about their industry for fear that they won’t be hired (why pay someone when you can do it yourself), but usually, the opposite happens. Once your audience sees how much you have to offer, the decision to hire you becomes that much easier.
And remember – a visitor to your site may not read every blog you have published but even by just seeing all of the posts you have made, your credibility begins to increase.
4 – Create content for social media
Don’t reinvent the wheel.
For every blog you post to your website, you can reuse it as content for Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. You can even create a video for YouTube and then post it on your blog.
Never do something just once. Reuse this information over and over in as many different ways as you can think. It may seem daunting at first but once you get in the hang of how to repurpose a blog, it becomes easier every time.
And in the same breath, if you have a well–performing social media post, consider how you could make that into a blog post.
If people respond positively to something you post online, chances are that topic is being Googled as well.
And always, always, always make sure you link back to your blog. Getting visitors to your website is always a call to action you want to have available.
Again, don’t reinvent. Repurpose and reuse your blogs.
5 – Prime Your Audience For Sales
One of the key parts of blogging that people often miss is how valuable blogs can be to prime your audience to make purchases.
Blogs should never (or rarely) be used for direct sales but you always use them to prime your audience for what you are selling – either by having them sign up for a newsletter or free consult, directing them to another blog, or even taking them to a sales page where you do sell to them.
It should be done in a natural and not forced way (sleezy sales is so 1990) and you don’t want your audience to feel like you are doing it intentionally. It should feel like the obvious next step.
No matter how simple it is, always have a call to action to keep your audience coming back to you.
So there you have it—my top 5 reasons why blogging is so important to your business.
From SEO rankings to your audience’s perception of you and your business, blogging really is a powerful marketing tool that is often underutilized or forgotten.
Blogging doesn’t offer immediate, overnight success (but what does, really?) but once you start consistently and strategically blogging, you will start to see an impact in 4-6 months.
What do you think about blogging in your industry? Does this motivate you to give it a go or are you still on the fence? Drop your thoughts below. I’d love to hear them.
Connect here if you want to learn more about how to grow your business with blogging.

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